Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Having a thought. 1) We make a t-shirt design. Sell shirts at a profit. This leads to .... 2) We order...

Having a thought.

1) We make a t-shirt design. Sell shirts at a profit. This leads to ....

2) We order materials. Simple things. Resistors and capacitors and LEDs and such. Enough that someone coming in with no electronics can be given a resistor, a LED and a 9-volt and walk away with a flashy light and a feeling of accomplishment. Or, if you need some very small caps to do your project, give us a buck and we'll give you 10 caps. Or whatever.

Clearly, there will be several layers of "But Dave" errors, starting with "We don't have a designer" to "We don't have a bank account". I'm not there yet. I'm at the idea stage. Other than "We need someone to handle this, and I guess it'll be you, Dave", any comments out there?

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