Wednesday, September 30, 2015



"Netflix Switch” Home Automation #IoT

"Netflix Switch” Home Automation #IoT

Netflix wants you to build your own home automation electronics in order to automate at least the first half of “Netflix and chill” with their Make It campaign showing you how to build a wifi remote that automatically adjusts lighting, silences your phone, orders takeout, and of course, queues up your entertainment. The prototype shown uses a Particle and IR LED, and instructs makers to reverse engineer their TVs IR remote signals using Ladyada’s classic tutorial. What I like about this ad campaign is that it encourages people to make their own electronics projects from an accessible and fun angle.

Read more

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

First, there was a Shakespearean Insult Generator, which was three lists of words to throw together ...

First, there was a Shakespearean Insult Generator, which was three lists of words to throw together randomly.

That was insufficiently generator, so I put it into Perl.

Now, I wanted a simple thing to test my REST framework with, and I had this code sitting around.

It's internal for the moment, but I could easily put it somewhere accessible, allowing one and all to call each other "thou puking rough-hewn wagtail" or the like.

As A Service!

For Greater Lafayette People: Best Pizza in Town

For Greater Lafayette People: Best Pizza in Town

#Beard guide...

#Beard guide...

We are now sharing our first data via Globus to a researcher in Tasmania. Don't know if the bits are...

We are now sharing our first data via Globus to a researcher in Tasmania. Don't know if the bits are flowing yet.

The Bits Must Flow.

Monday, September 28, 2015

So - uh. Holy crap. "Best All Star cover" are not words I expected to put together. For that matter ...

So - uh. Holy crap. "Best All Star cover" are not words I expected to put together. For that matter "All Star cover" seemed unlikely.

Yet here we are.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Found this from +Eric Topol​'s Twitter feed. Leptin is a hormone produced by the adipose tissue that...

Found this from +Eric Topol​'s Twitter feed.

Leptin is a hormone produced by the adipose tissue that acts in the brain, stimulating white fat breakdown. We find that the lipolytic effect of leptin is mediated through the action of sympathetic nerve fibers that innervate the adipose tissue. Using intravital two-photon microscopy, we observe that sympathetic nerve fibers establish neuro-adipose junctions, directly “enveloping” adipocytes. Local optogenetic stimulation of sympathetic inputs induces a local lipolytic response and depletion of white adipose mass. Conversely, genetic ablation of sympathetic inputs onto fat pads blocks leptin-stimulated phosphorylation of hormone-sensitive lipase and consequent lipolysis, as do knockouts of dopamine β-hydroxylase, an enzyme required for catecholamine synthesis. Thus, neuro-adipose junctions are necessary and sufficient for the induction of lipolysis in white adipose tissue and are an efferent effector of leptin action. Direct activation of sympathetic inputs to adipose tissues may represent an alternative approach to induce fat loss, circumventing central leptin resistance.

And what I think that means is: White adipose tissue is "belly fat". Activating neurons in the adipose tissue with light creates leptin, which starts the brain into breaking it down. "Necessary and sufficient" that this does it and to do it, it's all you need.

Which could be cool. I don't know how to make this work. Put an LED board on my stomach? Does hue matter? Would red light be more effective than blue? Clearly, none of that's in the abstract. I should see if I can get this full paper from Purdue libraries. Then, I should see if I can make heads or tails of it. 

Of course, AT&T is now just the reason your iPhone sucks, you can make that lock thing with a Raspberry...

Of course, AT&T is now just the reason your iPhone sucks, you can make that lock thing with a Raspberry Pi and it is Google and Microsoft bringing you all that stuff.

Friday, September 25, 2015



a DRY KISS I've been working on a tool. I discussed a lot of it yesterday. I had a model to get the ...

I've been working on a tool. I discussed a lot of it yesterday. I had a model to get the information based on PI, and I wanted to get to what I considered the interesting bit, so it was only after the performance went from suck to SUCK that I dove back, whi...

Pulled out my +Particle Internet Button and made changes. Already, I could cycle through the colors ...

Pulled out my +Particle Internet Button and made changes. Already, I could cycle through the colors of +CheerLights, but I used (int) and map() to allow me to set a dimmer level, too.

I should have it listen in and find the current Cheerlights color, too. But not tonight.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

This would make an epic t-shirt.

This would make an epic t-shirt. 

Anyone ever hit a point where what is right for algorithms and performance was wrong for software engineering...

Anyone ever hit a point where what is right for algorithms and performance was wrong for software engineering? What did you do?

This is only kinda like thinking in algorithms I have a program. It has two parts: get the data and ...

This is only kinda like thinking in algorithms
I have a program. It has two parts: get the data and use the data. "Get the data" involves several queries to the database to gather the data, then I munge it into the form I need. Specifically, it's about people who generate samples of DNA data (called "pr...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Oh God, spare me more discussion about Intellectual Property law. I know the basics: patent, trademark...

Oh God, spare me more discussion about Intellectual Property law. I know the basics: patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, license. I've known for years, and barring a change like in Cambodia and post-Revolution France, they won't change. If they do, I'll be more worried that, as a person who wears glasses, I'd be considered ruling class and be cooked alive for food, and thus won't have to worry about infringing anything.

Should I make anything anybody wants to buy, I'll worry about it then. Until then, please, keep it away from me.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The guy heading the other side of Lafayettech has quit, which means there's nothing going on opposing...

The guy heading the other side of Lafayettech has quit, which means there's nothing going on opposing Mondays.

So, we could move to every Monday.

Or, we could move to every Friday. Or some other choice. 

I'm not interested in dictating this choice. I'm also not interested in opening up the space and sitting there alone. So I want user input here.

Monday, September 21, 2015

I've been playing some more with Canvas and Javascript, and I now have a clock I think I want to have...

I've been playing some more with Canvas and Javascript, and I now have a clock I think I want to have in a more real sense than as a web page.

I know that Windows 8+ Live Tiles are made with web tools, so I could do that, but I'm now thinking about having it as a wall-clock sort of thing. I could go with a USB screen and Pi. It seems a bit overkill, but making it as a physical clock would be physically impossible.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

My Tab 4, when I dragged down in the status bar while using Chromecast, would lock up. Just switched...

My Tab 4, when I dragged down in the status bar while using Chromecast, would lock up.

Just switched to Google Now Launcher. Problem is gone. So, problem was TouchWiz.

Wouldn't have guessed that.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Sounds like an argument to toss out a lot of stuff and start over again in !Perl. Or at least start ...

Sounds like an argument to toss out a lot of stuff and start over again in !Perl. Or at least start with nothing old but the hashbang.

Thinking that Big Data is like Artificial Intelligence: If we can do/handle a thing, it isn't AI/BD.

Thinking that Big Data is like Artificial Intelligence: If we can do/handle a thing, it isn't AI/BD.

Not Done, But Done For Now I spent some more time on it, and I figured something out. I looked at the...

Not Done, But Done For Now
I spent some more time on it, and I figured something out. I looked at the data, and instead of getting 1 2 3 4 NULL NULL 5 6 7 , I was getting 1 2 3 4 NULL NULL 7 1 2 , starting at the beginning again. So, I figured out how to do loops and made a series of...

Over the last few months, we've ran an experiment, moving from Tuesdays over lunch in Whistler to Wednesdays...

Over the last few months, we've ran an experiment, moving from 
Tuesdays over lunch in Whistler to Wednesdays after work at the
MatchBox, followed by GLOSSY Open Source Food & Beer & Chat at LBC.

We've learned several lessons (first: bring your own DANG HDMI 
cables to MB), and I certainly don't regret it, but from discussions
with Joe and Michael, we might do on-campus after-work, as we have
done before.

Or not.

    Location -- MatchBox? WSLR? Some other building on-campus? 

    Time -- After work? Lunchtime? I'd suggest 7:30-8:30am if I
    thought anybody would go for it, but I sincerely doubt it.

    Day -- Wednesday was chosen to make the Mongers -> GLOSSY
    transition easy, but with campus not being quite as easy 
    walking distance from LBC, we might look into other days.
    Although, it's almost Tuesday, Wednesday or no-day for me.

Any comments at all about when would be a good or bad time to Monger
would be appreciated.

Joe Kline is presenting at PPW just before our expected meeting, 
and will re-present that talk for us next month, so that's on-deck, 
wherever and whenever it occurs.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Logging, Plotting and Shoshin: A Developer's Journey I heard about Log::Log4perl and decided that this...

Logging, Plotting and Shoshin: A Developer's Journey
I heard about Log::Log4perl and decided that this would be a good thing to learn and to integrate into the lab's workflow. We were having problems with our VMs and it was suggested I start logging performance metrics, so when we go to our support people, we...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

+Joe Kline talking oDroid at Purdue Perl Mongers #IStandWithAhmed

+Joe Kline talking oDroid at Purdue Perl Mongers #IStandWithAhmed

I cannot do a Google search because we got moved to a shared 10.* block instead of routable addresses...

I cannot do a Google search because we got moved to a shared 10.* block instead of routable addresses, and someone in our block is repeatedly sending searches Google, in an automated manner.

And I cannot do my work without the result of my non-abusive Google searches.

I cannot do a Google search because we got moved to a shared 10.* block instead of routable addresses...

I cannot do a Google search because we got moved to a shared 10.* block instead of routable addresses, and someone in our block is repeatedly sending searches Google, in an automated manner.

And I cannot do my work without the result of my non-abusive Google searches.

Thank you for completing our code review! You did well so the next step is ... That's a good thing...

Thank you for completing our code review! You did well so the next step is ...

That's a good thing.

Although the rest of the body contains "linked list"...

It is with a heavy heart we are sharing such sad news about a young maker named Ahmed Mohammed who was...

It is with a heavy heart we are sharing such sad news about a young maker named Ahmed Mohammed who was arrested and interrogated after taking his homemade clock to school because the clock "looked like a fake bomb".

This strikes us that there’s a whole lot more we need to do to educate people about the Maker Movement and DIY culture. Please like and share the story to support this young maker and our community!

Power is out. Sucks.

Power is out. Sucks. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Today Paul Stoffregen announced the Teensy 3.2, a sub-$20 Arduino compatible development board -- The...

Today Paul Stoffregen announced the Teensy 3.2, a sub-$20 Arduino compatible development board -- The board is great for integrating in large LED walls or doing advanced audio processing.

I have a few Twitter lists. There's family, there's my local peeps, my list of Perl tweeters, etc. Thing...

I have a few Twitter lists. There's family, there's my local peeps, my list of Perl tweeters, etc. Thing is, that's curated; I know +Joe Kline​ is in town and is a Perl guy, so he's in two lists. The hot thing would be to ID clusters and make lists for them.

Need to figure that part out.

I like where I'm at with running my Twitter stuff through Naive Bayes. I need to rebuild so that I'm...

I like where I'm at with running my Twitter stuff through Naive Bayes. I need to rebuild so that I'm pulling a few pages at a time and doing better with the UI, but concept is proven. Think I want to send myself an end-of-say digest.

The interesting thing is that, so I'm not just saying "favorites", I label month and year, so some tweets match what I liked in July 2014 more than anything else. So, either the Internet changes or my tastes change.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Thoughts on Machine Learning and Twitter Tools I have a lot of Twitter data. I decided a few months ...

Thoughts on Machine Learning and Twitter Tools
I have a lot of Twitter data. I decided a few months ago to get my list of those I follow and those following me, and then find that same information about each of them. This took quite some time, as Twitter stops you from getting too much at a time. I foun...

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

So You Think You CAN REST This is notes to self more than anything. Highly cribbed from  http://www...

So You Think You CAN REST
This is notes to self more than anything. Highly cribbed from First step toward making RESTful APIs is using the path info. If you have a program api.cgi, you can post to it, use get and api.cgi?foo=bar, or you can use path ...

Why are programmers non-productive? Because their time is wasted in meetings. Why are programmers rebellious...

Why are programmers non-productive? Because their time is wasted in meetings. 
Why are programmers rebellious? Because the management interferes too much. 
Why are the programmers resigning one by one? Because they are burnt out. 
Having worked for poor management, they no longer value their jobs.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I believe that daylight saving time does more harm than good and should be stopped in the US. (I feel...

I believe that daylight saving time does more harm than good and should be stopped in the US. (I feel I lack standing to call for abolishment elsewhere.)

Beyond that, except for the counties near Cincinnati, I believe Indiana should be under Central Time, not Eastern. Aligning with NYC has never had any practical purpose for me, but aligning with Chicago does with fair regularity.